Fact Sheet: Funeral Procession From Istana To Parliament House 25 March 2015
At 9am, the Coffin Bearer Party will march into Sri Temasek. This will be followed by the draping of the State Flag over the casket bearing Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. It is to be noted that the draping of the State Flag over a casket is the highest State honour accorded to a leader. When the Singapore flag covers the casket, it is placed so that the crescent and stars lie over the head and close to the heart.
The state funeral procession will then make its way past the Istana gates, moving along an estimated 2 kilometre route, at about 25 kilometres per hour. It will take about 5 minutes for the procession to travel from Orchard Road to Parliament House, passing through Bras Basah Road and North Bridge Road.
The Carriage will subsequently reach the junction of Bras Basah Road and Queen Street, before turning into North Bridge Road. Passing the Supreme Court building on the left, the procession then continues towards the Parliament House.
The State Vehicular Procession will then make its way into the driveway of the Parliament House, where it will be accompanied by eight pallbearers representative of the three branches of government – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The casket is received by the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), Lieutenant-General (LG) Ng Chee Meng, and Commissioner of Police, Hoong Wee Teck, Speaker of Parliament, as well as the Prime Minister and the rest of the family. The Coffin Bearer Party will then transfer the casket of the late Mr Lee onto the bier for the lying in state at the Parliament House.
The public can pay their respects at the Parliament House between 10am and 8pm daily from 25 March to 28 March 2015. Queues will start at the riverside Promenade next to Parliament House. Condolence cards will also be available for them to pen their tributes to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Those with flowers can also lay them at the condolence boards along the Promenade.
Friends and former colleagues of the late Mr Lee will also hold vigil in his memory during the lying in state at Parliament House. They will be joined by representatives from various Government agencies, as a reflection of his diverse contributions to nation-building. Each vigil group, comprising about 20 persons, will hold vigil for 30 minutes.